Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Our First Post

So I have decided to do something a little different. I have noticed that my updates on Carter's site have been sparse. This has NOT been because I don't think of him as often, the opposite is true. However, I find myself needing to change it up a bit. I will keep Carter's pages up. I feel that it is important for parents with children with a new diagnosis of Ohtahara to be able to find a resource. No parent should ever feel like they are alone in this. However, I am creating this blog to keep you all informed on the in's and out's of our family's lives. Time passes too quickly and we see each of you so very seldom that so much is missed. So here it is....the new McNabbster Family Blog. It is a work in be patient. I will get the hang of it sooner or later. We love you.